Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Two Week Wait Day 9

So how am I feeling today?

Today was my weekly day off. I stayed busy running errands throughout the day. It was nice not to focus on the wait by keeping busy and doing some of the things I've been wanting to do.

While out I ran into a friend who found out today that she is successfully pregnant from her recent IVF, confirmed on ultrasound. What a relief and I was so happy for her. I am hoping that I will have some of my own good news TOMORROW.

So yes, tomorrow is the big day. I am feeling surprisingly calm (at least I was until I started writing this and thinking about it!), but I am dreading the blood test. I've been waiting and waiting and waiting, but now that it is almost upon us, I am scared to find out anything. Up to this point the news has only been negative. It is hard to actually truly believe it will come out positive even though I am feeling good.

I know that the wait tomorrow will be excruciating. I know I will be talking myself down, trying to convince myself it didn't work until I get the phone call with the result. I am hoping to find out quickly afterward (they usually don't call for hours).

I am grateful we cancelled my work day tomorrow due to a big snow storm. I will be grateful to have some alone time (away from work and patient care) to process the results, whatever they will be.

Okay, I take it back. I'm feeling pretty nervous now!

Nine days down. One to go!


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you (and praying for the two of you) these last few days. You are so brave to share your journey. May you feel peace whatever the outcome. You are a warrior and I wish I could hold your hand while you wait tomorrow. Love you Erin! -Caroline O

Abby said...

It's really brave and inspiring that you would document this day to day. I know those words get thrown around a lot but I really mean them--You're being so vulnerable, but I'm sure there are many people who are finding help in these posts. Not to mention the updates are great for all of us rooting for you. Love you so much!

SeƱora H-B said...

I just want to add my voice to others. You are so brave and vulnerable to put this out there, but I appreciate it so much. It gives me courage to move forward with our own fertility battle. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed today and you and Abe are in my prayers. Hugs!

Erin said...

You guys are all so sweet.
Senora, I hope you have some hope and miracles in your future!