Friday, March 30, 2012


It's my last full day of my Neurosurgery rotation, and also my last full day of "off-service" (or non-oral surgery) rotations this year. Everyone said this was one of the hardest years because of said rotations so it is good news to be where I am.

So how has it been? I'm writing now during "quiet time" on the floor where I take care of most of the neurosurgery patients. I love quiet time. They turn the lights off and it is a nice, somehow soothing (considering the beeping alarms behind me) hour or so to promote quiet time for patients so they can get some rest (which is surprisingly very difficult in the hospital). It helps to take my stress level down somehow just having the lights dim.

Anyway, this has been a taxing month. I feel tired. My skin is not as clear. I have been bad about exercising. Worse about cleaning my house. Abe and I haven't seen much of each other unless you count him watching me sleep. And haven't done much of anything beyond work the past 30 days. Luckily I was able to rid myself of my bushy neurosurgery eyebrows with a quick wax!

I appreciate more my chosen specialty. The hours (although I'll probably forget and still complain), my ability to get more sleep, and the patients who usually stay alive, and the procedures. It is so sad to see patients and their families struggling to live or to gain the life they once had back. I've seen us say goodbye to patients when they don't recover. And I've seen miracles. One man's family was talking about withdrawing life support. The day they were supposed to make the decision he opened his eyes, he started following commands. I had said a prayer for him when I realized he may not have much time the day before. I think prayer works, maybe it did for him. I'm sure others were praying as well.

This month has made me a little afraid of the horrible things that can happen to you or your family members at any time. But it also has made me remember to take time to appreciate our lives and those around us more each day.

And in just 2 days, I will be on vacation! I'm hoping to catch up on all the sleep I've missed this month.

1 comment:

Rachel Culmer said...

Yay for vacation--you need and deserve it! :)

You forgot to put in your crazy month that you managed to get your visiting teaching done. :)