Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dreams and visions

I am a very vivid and wacky dreamer. I wake up almost every day telling Abe, “I had the STRANGEST dream last night.”

Last night I dreamed I was on some kind of reunion trip on an airplane on our way to a summer camp type place. I was excited to meet up with an old friend who basically told me that she would tolerate me talking to her, but really, she had already kept in touch with all of the people from her past that she was interested in being friends with and didn’t want to be my friend. I felt really bad and embarassed.

I was feeling very lonely once we arrived at my bunk and started to cry. My sister came up to me and asked what was wrong. I told about the incident and my general lack of friends. “All of my dental school friends moved away, I don’t really talk to anyone from high school or college, I’m the only girl at work, all of my church friends have or are moving away.” She asked me why I blog so much (this was a logical flow of conversation in dream world). I told her, bursting into tears, because I know I have no REAL friends so I have to pretend I do through my blog.

So there you have it. My brain pulled together all the pieces and made sense of my crazy world. I guess I don’t have any friends so if you could pretend every once and awhile by making a comment my subconcious might feel a little better.


Diana said...

I'm your friend, Erin! Perhaps I blog due to friendlessness too. ;) Wish we lived closer again.

Amber said...

I think your sister meant to say that when she reads your blog it seems like you have more friends than she does

Rachel said...

I think that lack of friends is the most unfortunate thing that happens when people get married. It's true. You have to be with your spouse, (or kids/school), you have to like your friends spouses (which is really hard for me), and in general make time for intimate relationships with lots of people and that is hard. trusting so many people is difficult and trying to be a good friend to lots of people is exhausting!
I think blogging is super cool and you do not blog too much. Anyways, thats my thoughts on it.

Jessica Sorensen said...

In 3 weeks I will be friendless as we are moving. Maybe we both need to make some new friends. I am at least your blog friend and we maybe driving through Iowa City soon.

Tawnya said...

That is terrible! I have crazy dreams too but this one is particularly sad.

brenna said...

That's pretty funny. At least you have the blog friends ;)

nathan n rachel said...

Hey!!!----I'm your friend and you better believe it.

Amber said...

I'm still your friend, far or near, with or without your blog! :-)

Marci Wittwer Butterfield said...

just cause I am moving does not mean that we are no longer FRiends. You guys are on the top of the list of who we are going to miss! Man I don't want to have to start all over with making friends. I guess that means you guys need to visit KY often. haha.

Suz said...

Now that I am officially "Old", I can pass on a bit of wisdom...

The older you get, the fewer friends you may have because as time goes by, you learn which people are true friends and which ones, though friendly, are not really your friend.

So, the moral of the story is:
less friends, but better friends.

Suz said...

P.S. When I was younger, I was like you. I dreamed very vivid, elaborate dreams and I could remember every detail when I would wake up. Then at some point, I started to take control of my dreams. I'd be dreaming something weird and I'd think, "wait a minute, this is strange, I must be dreaming." Then, I'd start making the dream go the direction I wanted. Eventually, I stopped dreaming, or at least, I don't remember dreams anymore. I really miss them. So, dream away.