Sunday, December 1, 2013


Sometimes life is refreshingly nice. This was a wonderful weekend. What a treat to have three whole days off as a couple (and four for me!).

We had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends here in town. I feel so lucky to have Abe's family close so we can enjoy time with them even when we aren't able to travel. Abe and I enjoyed an early matinee movie before heading over for dinner. I think this may have to become a new tradition, 10 am movie on Thanksgiving. A great way to relax after some of the business of cooking--I am also very lucky to have a husband who makes great desserts so I don't have to, it can be exhausting just watching him at work.

Then we had great food and the annual Thanksgiving Walk through the forest.

And pie! I LOVE pie.

Friday we went Christmas tree hunting at the local tree farm with Abe' family. We had a lot of fun arguing over which of God's creations were the most decoration worthy. After trudging in the cold for quite awhile we settled on one of our first choices. (isn't that always the way, same tree but colder toes!) It was fun and warmer than usual (but still cold enough for funny hats that look like they were made out of Sesame Street characters...

...and pink scarves that make basketball player men look like old ladies).
As usual, Abe and I came home treeless. We like going for the company more than the tree I guess. I couldn't bear the thought of putting a tree into our chaotic, messy house.
After setting up my in-laws' tree, we decided to come back to my house for some cleaning. At first I was a little embarrassed but then decided to accept the help. My MIL very graciously helped me clean my kitchen and then we took on the ambitious task of some rearranging in the living room. We had a little extra help by that time and before I knew it, the messes and stresses of the before mentioned post were gone! I have been so unhappy with our awkwardly shaped living room that I am pretty pleased to see it looks like a new room without having to buy any more furniture.
To top it off, Abe surprised me with out very own Christmas tree (thank you Costco! and instagram for capturing all of the memories!), just as the messes were cleaned up and the house ready for some Christmas cheer.
I don't think it could have been a much better weekend! Time off together, fun and relaxing times with friends and family, and a clean and decorated house -- with still two days left to go.


Looking forward to the holidays this year. Usually I am stressed and busy enough at work I feel a lot like the GRINCH. Even though I know we will both be on call this year, I am really hoping for a wonderful season.


Suz said...

I am happy that you have family there. I wish it was me, being your close family, but I have always felt much gratitude for Kristen and Val for making you part of their family. I love them for loving you.

I am also happy that they helped you with those chores that have been stressing you and that you have such a wonderful husband. Being so far away is hard but bearable because I know you are loved. It warms my heart and eases my worries. I love you and I love the Sheffields!!!

Heidi Henderson said...

Very cool time! Fun, family... holidays and cleaning. I don't know what it is about a clean home, but it is nice, and so I am glad you were able to accomplish such a task. Love hearing all that is going on. Miss you guys! Makes me wish you were just around the corner and we could hang out :) Hope this holiday season isn't so stressful for you!