Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today some women (or a woman--I'm not even exactly who) from my church came over and while I was at work cleaned my house. Are you kidding me?! Who would want to do that? And for me? I can see doing it for someone who is sick, or a new mom, or an old woman. Or maybe for your family or best friend. But for me who is perfectly able to clean my own house and as far as I know wasn't related to any of these women? Wow.

I was embarassed. I had to talk myself (and Abe) out of cleaning so then they could come over and clean. I think time (or the lack thereof) was the only reason I decided that was silly. Maybe I've had the "cleanliness is close to godliness" phrase ingrained in me for too long, because it feels like one of my moral failings to not be a wonderful (or even average) housekeeper. And showing off your dirt and grime can be pretty personal. But, for whatever reason, they tried to convince me how I shouldn't feel embarassed and that it would be "so fun" and they were "looking forward to it." So, I being the wonderfully accomodating person I am was pleased (although hesitant) to "LET" them do my dishes, sweep my floors, dust my furniture (thank you! I have a real distate for dusting), scrub my toilet. Coming home to a sparkling house was such a relief (tinged with a little bit of guilt and a touch of mild embarassement). But I think it was worth it. Makes me feel a little ungrateful for all of the times I tell myself I'm not available to do nice things for others. I'll try to do better.

Thank you! I hope you really did have fun or at least had that "I'm helping someone" feel-good-feeling because you really did more than I had expected and I feel a little bad now. Although I am really loving the results of your hard work. Maybe I'll even LET you come again.


nathan n rachel said...

What? I wasn't invited to come and help?! Bummer. You've helped me in so many ways I wish I could have been there.

I overheard a friend once say to another person "do not deny me the opportunity to serve you."

Erin--do not feel horrible or guilty at all. You are an oral surgery resident that works 80-90 hours a week. Your schedule is INSANELY busy and there are others that would like an opportunity to serve. Every time I am in need of service and I feel like I have been a burden to Nathan and/or others I feel extremely guilty and then I think about what my friend said. If I denied that person(s) the opportunity to serve me then I denied them blessings.

Love you girl and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Marci Wittwer Butterfield said...

You deserve it!!!