Monday, March 23, 2009

Can I cut it as a full-time mom?

I don't know how you stay at home moms do it. Home all day, every day. I had a day off today which I was looking oh-so-forward to, esp after the crazy weekend I had. However, I found myself oh-so-bored and somewhat lonely. You guys are much tougher than I to do it day in and day out. I just couldn't seem to find much to do outside of wasting time on the computer (hello fellow bloggers, give me some more to read, please!). Yes, there is laundry to be done. Dishes as well for that matter. Clutter to clear. But I just didn't feel up to it. No fun errands to run. I finally worked on some sewing projects I have been planning to do for some time.

As much as I wish I had more time off from school, it seems that when I do I almost wished I were there. Maybe the difference is that I am not a stay-at-home mom yet, just a stay-at-home-once-in-a-blue-moon-wife. That can be a hard adjustment.

Despite my boredom, I still dread starting up school again tomorrow! Irony.


shawn said...

OK, so you have to go back to school?? AFTER you have finished boards?? What all do you have left to finish up??
AND... I am just like you.. I have nothing to do when I am home, and I get bored really easy.. I could NEVER work from home.. NO NO NO!!

Chelsea said...

So sorry to bust your bubble, but staying home as a mom isn't so boring. Sometimes it'd be SO nice to have a little boredom (aka vegging around) but then your child starts screaming everytime you try to sit for more than 5 seconds. Apparently that's not entertaining enough for babies. Don't worry, you won't have to worry about having nothing to do or at least trying to avoid doing anything--your kids will makes sure no rest is in your future :)

Amber said...

I have found no matter what stage in life I am, when I am busy I am wishing I had free time and when I actually have it, I can't stand the boredom. Stay home moms are busy, busy, busy from what I have observed. I had two weeks off before I started my job and you can only clean the house so many times, but kids keep it exciting.

Jessica Sorensen said...

Before I had kids I felt the same way how was I going to stay home all day? Well 5:00 rolls around a lot faster than you think.

Suz said...


shawn said...

OOOPS!! Didn't mean that stay at home moms didnt' do anything or their life was boring.. I thought it was really hard being home with a new born.. And I also wonder how anyone can home school.. Don't get me wrong... I love my daughter.. I really do.. I just get to distracted when I am at home..
I think stay at home moms are the hardest working people around.. I was saying.. I couldn't do it... sorry if you took it any other way...

Erin said...

I didn't mean to imply that being a mom is boring. I'm sure it is the definite opposite. What I meant to imply is more that I don't like being the one left at home while my husband it at work on his own. I get lonely and therefore bored. I hope a little tyke would prevent that from happening.

Rachel said...

I feel the SAME way, as motherhood is looming more near everyday, i often worry that I'll become bored with my child, that I'll sit and surf blogs while Sesame street babysits or something...I suppose you adjust when you have to, but it's scary. I guess thats why they do so many playgroups and enrichments during the day in our ward!