Sunday, March 22, 2009

Barely Done

Today was one of my craziest days ever!

My patient for the morning showed up only to say he was unsure he wanted to have the treatment done since his tooth wasn't bothering him. *WHAT?* I finally told him he could get a second opinion from the examiners and if he was approved maybe we could go from there. Then, it took over 75 minutes to get approved. I was so nervous. Turns out a computer glitch with the xrays. After all that, he was not approved! There were absolutely no backup patients at the school and few options left for even Monday. Eek. They decided to give me a 45 minute time extension since it was a malfunction.

We tried to find another patient with little success. Then, my friend (now my best friend ever) suggested I get a few xrays on her sister (who was her assistant), that she may have a class III. Bingo! Right under her nose! We quickly submitted her and waited some more. We were all so relieved when she was approved. My friend sacrificed her assistant so I could have a patient. After each step we received grading checks that took probably at least 30-45 minutes each again. At 1:20 I submitted her for the final grade, the dispensary clerks cleaned up my unit, and I rushed off to the endo exam that began at 12:45. I had until 5:40 to finish the endo with my extension but luckily got done early, about 5:00. I rushed to have a few more forms signed and got everything turned in about 5:20 as the examiners were leaving.

So now, I have a huge headache, am starving, and I think relieved. And thank goodness I have the day off tomorrow and don't have to go back for one more day.

Thanks for everyone who helped me out today! Esp Rachel Culmer my wonderful and patient assistant and my wonderful backup patient and her sister.


brenna said...

Glad it all worked out! I bet you're glad to have it all done.

Diana said...

Wow--what a day! I'm glad it worked out for you. I'm sorry you had to go through such an ordeal. Enjoy your day off!

shawn said...

OOOHH I am so glad that it all worked out!! As I sit at work.. my 1st patient could have been ALL your boards need in 1!! TRIST ME!!!!!!!! I did root planning on him.. OMG.. it was the blackest ickiest ever!! and the decay!! OH and even extractions too!! I thought about you as I was working!!
I am sure that you will be buying your sister and your new best friend dinner somewhere!!
enjoy your day!!