October is turning into a very busy month!
This week I will be taking my National Dental Boards Part II. This is a two day test that will include questions from prosthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, pathology, radiology, ethics and behavior management, pharmacology, operative dentistry, case presentations, etc. This is the second of two national written computer tests I must pass in order to become licensed as a dentist (this does not include my clinical licensure boards). I really haven't been stressing about it but the fact it is so close is beginning to put a few butterflies in my tummy.
I also have a few other tests for school, some assignments, and I have been trying to keep on top of lab work. This weekend I will be in NW Iowa for a wedding, I have my OS interview next week on Friday and Saturday, and my mom and sister are coming for a visit next week Wednesday! At least the time will go quickly so they will be here before I know it.
So, if I am non-reachable or anything please understand why. Also, a few prayers my way would be appreciated for this important big test and for my interviews.
You are definitely in my prayers. Good luck with everything, Erin. Lots of love, Diana
Well it is the month of Halloween...
I was just thinking this morning...how the heck did you have time to hang out as much as we did your first year? Man! Dental school is rough, as I am finding out.
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