I don't understand gift cards some times. For our wedding we received many cards. We recently realized that some are very close to expiring or are already past the expiration date. We received a $50 visa gift card that "expired" in October. Since then they have taken a maintenance fee out for $2.50 per month. On top of that, we need to pay another $6.00 to reissue the card so we can start using it or have a $10 fee to get a check. I don't understand why they do this...they have their $50. Why can't we get ours? I can see MAYBE doing one or the other, but really, taking it away each month and then punishing you again by making you pay a reissuance fee? I promise it doesn't cost $6.00 to mail a card. Really, I am not so naive to not know why they do it...they want money! Unfair though, when the card was given to us in July and expired just a few months later.
Gift cards are hard for me because I feel like I have to save them for something special. In the end, I end up using it at the last minute to buy something lame, anyway.
Oh well.
And...the customer service guy just told me to go online. Very helpful. I requested it to be reissued and it said, "Card is in replacement status." What does that mean? I can use it? They are sending a new one? I don't get it.
Sorry about that...hopefully we don't get too many gift cards (cold, hard cash is better, huh?) I can only do five pics at a time too; I had to upload them in stages.
really? I have been saving mine. I thought it was against the law for them to expire. At least in Utah. I'll have to pull out my stash and see! Boy I'll be mad if I have the same problem.
I know. I'm a saver/stasher. What's the fine buying everything at once. You want to find that awesome thing you can't afford if you didn't have the card. Instead, we've been using some up on TP. Boring. And somehow, you can always come up with the money for TP.
we got one of those from someone when Addi was born I better check and see when it expires we may already be to late.
This is good to know. I too heard that it was illegal in Utah for a gift card to expire. Like you said, they have their money. I am going to re-think my gifts from now on. I was starting to buy gift cards but I will return to sending cash. Cash will never expire and the recipient can spend it where they want without all the "unfair" rules decided by the stores as "thanks" for my business.
those bastards
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