I am going to make some enemies with this post. But, I have to do it...
Have you ever read the Twilight series, by Stephanie Myers (or is it Myer)?
I was first introduced to the series by my sister in law. I finally read the books and enjoyed them. However, it seems that every woman I know is obsessed. They think it is so romantic and complain to their husbands that they are not more like Edward. I have even read blog comments like, "Edward is the perfect man!"
For those of you who haven't read the book (and as a reminder for those who have), Edwards isn't even a man, he's a VAMPIRE! I can only imagine how bad we make our husbands feel when he can't even live up to the living dead. We would flip if our husbands compared us to Angelina Jolie or any other woman. (I couldn't think of a particularly riveting female book character a man would lust after. It seems the guys I know read history, war, or John Grisham type books where women aren't of high priority.)
My other complaint is Bella. I think she is a very pitiful character. Talk about no backbone at all. It is supposed to be romantic how much she can't live without him but I wish she would be a stronger character for young girls to look up to. Someone who can be happy and capable without a man in her life. I took one of those facebook quizzes, "Which twilight character are you?" I wondered, am I more like a vampire, werewolf, or desperate girl? My curiousity overcame me. The options were all very revealing with questions like,
"What would you rather do for dinner? Ravage a small town, eat small animals, or cook for your dad?"
I was pretty disappointed when it said I was like Bella. Then again, the other options didn't leave much up to chance.
*Sigh* I guess I'm just not much of a romantic. I can't imagine wanting my Abe to be like a cold skinned vampire.
With that said, I like the books...my curiousity about the vampires keeps me reading. I'm just not into the romance of Edwards annoying "velvet" voice. What does that mean?
Anyway, posters let me have it if you must!
I agree. I've read the books and enjoyed them all. But I was also bothered by how Bella whiny and dependent on Edward she is. She doesn't really seem like that great of a role model.
I agree with what has been sad, and would like to add that what frustrates me the most about Bella is that she HAS to have Edward to live (she'll even turn Vampire for him), but she can't commit to marry him.
Dido on the comments about Bella.
I just don't really enjoy the twilight books, I only started reading them so I could keep up with my friends
but bella, jacob, and edward all bother me
(Emmett and Alice should be the main xD )
the twilight series is the demise to modern day relationships and just thought that i'd mention that edward is really the anti-christ.
just thought i'd let you know.
I think it is common for women to get into romance novels. There is nothing wrong with that. A good fantasy never hurt anyone, but it is good to keep in mind that it is only fantasy. When women start to forget that these romantic characters are only characters, it can cause problems. It is important to remember that any author can create an imaginary man that is perfect but in real life, men are no more perfect than real women.
I completely agree. I have not read the books, but I think you are right about the fuss women would make if men wanted their wives to act like 50s era house-wives: no questioning, primped, dinner prepared upon arrival, and quiet children. We would all be better off treating our spouses with more gratitude. Myself included.
The above description of "50s era housewives" sounds pretty good to me (although the "no questioning" part would make for some rather dry conversations).
My first comment on your blog...I'm warming up to this! I really like the books, but I agree. What always bothered me is how controlling Edward is. He treats Bella like she can't handle anything herself (probably because in her case she can't). Besides that, I do have a soft spot for Edward, but the books don't make me wish Matt were more like him; instead, the Edward I picture looks a lot like Matt:)
That's a nice way to look at it!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.
I think it's true that Bella isn't your typical heroine. In some ways, I think that makes her more relatable. Who hasn't had feelings of insecurity and insignificance? So to see a character so adored by someone seemingly so amazing, it's hard to understand the real draw to her. On that note, in Bella's defense, who wouldn't want to hang on tight to someone who adores you and treats you like you're the best thing to have ever come in their life? For those of us who have found that kind of person it definitely can make that aspect more relatable. People that don't have that are probably the ones that wish they had more of an "Edward" in their lives. The books are just fiction, anyway. I say just sit back and enjoy the non-reality of the situation . ;-)
Did Erin just say that she also pictures Edward to look just like Matt? Maybe Matt should try out for a role in the movie!
Your comments are bang on! I am stunned at the stupidity of grown women who would compare their partner's to a fictional character. Edward is not exactly the type of man that I would fall for, but then again, I've always preferred the warm-blooded types who make me laugh, treat me with respect, and HELP ME GROW AS A PERSON...oh, of only Bella could be reading this. I truly hoped that SM would have given her some strength (if not a personality) but this protagonist apparently lives only to please her boyfriend, how sad. Thanks for the posting : )
Bella is not MEANT to be a strong character. That is one of the key issues of the book! She is so weak and fragile, and he is a vampire, trying so hard not to hurt her. It's the forbidden love concept.
I recently ranted about Twilight on my blog too. I definitely agree with EVERYTHING you said. Not making many enemies with this one!
I've only watched the twilight movie, and I only thought that it was okay. Just by watching it I tell what the whole series was about. Now I know everyone is entitled to there opinion, I'm just saying mine okay. I also say that modern media (movies, books, tv shows, etc.) have strayed from the original myths, in that vampires are supposed to be shape-shifters!
Ok...first off, all romance novels have the girl completely engrossed in the man...that is what keeps a woman reading. The warm fuzzy that they get from hearing how perfect everything is. Its in any romance, didnt notice? Read one and open your eyes! Second bella is not whiny and what not she is in love. If you marry a guy it should be because you are totally and completely in love with him and cant live without him. That is the way companionship and marrige is supposed to be. Third, every man in a romance is perfect, it would make reading a romance to boring if it were like our husbands. There are reasons that women like to read about a perfect male, same reason men look at playboy or pay closer attention to women in movies. Its a natural feeling and occurance. Just cause women wear their emotions are their sleeve they are picked apart for it.And 4th Edward is just showing how much he loves bella. Any guy that takes that much interest in his woman should be applauded! I think it takes a great man to care that much and unselfishly protect his woman. That is what is in the heart of a man truly, to protect and pursue a woman. So he feels and knows that he has what it takes. Edward is just showing that. Lastly...these series were written to show teenagers that you can have an intimate relationship and not have sex and that should be the focus. Something positive about it hello...if you didnt catch that in it, reread them and pay closer attention.
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