Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Please help a scrub

Me being a scrub, doing scrubby things

Me trying not to be a scrub...

My entire life I have been a struggling tomboy. Struggling in the fact that although my nature is to be one, I secretly wish I were more of a girly girl while being ironically proud that I am not. Strange, I know.

Anyway, I have been feeling like a total scrub. This is not helped by the fact that I wear scrubs to school almost everyday. They are blue and Abe calls me a smurf. I remember there was one lone girl smurf and although she wore lipstick and high heels, that still doesn't make me feel very good about my appearance. Besides, the odds aren't very good that I even get to be her.

My goal this year was to "take more pride in my appearance." I haven't been very successful. I usually wake up as late as possible, choose which pair of scrubs to wear (cherokee or landau...big choice), and put my hair into a ponytail that never stays how I want it. Sometimes I attempt some eye make-up but usually this seems pointless when I am dressed as described.

Anyway, I am wondering the secrets of the chronically beautiful...you know those girls who always look great. They must put in the time and effort to do it but I just feel clueless. Thus, I put together my first featured poll. If you are on the run, as I often am, what do you do to feel as beautiful as possible considering the circumstances? Or, is hygiene and beauty so important that this is never the case?

Please, share some info to help out a poor scrub. I want to enjoy my beauty (or any potential of it) while I am still young and have any to speak of!



Amber said...

My only temporary fix is to spend money and have someone fix me themselves. That seems to be the only way. I just got my eyebrows done (I finally look like a girl!) last weekend. But the change hasn't been as dramatic as I hoped--no one but my husband has noticed.

brenna said...

I recently ran into a boy from my freshman year. This is what he said, "Wow-- i've never seen you in anything but workout clothes..." I don't think i'm the best person to give advice. It appears to run in the family.

Erin said...

Why, did you always wear pajamas to school or something? I don't remember that.

brenna said...

Me? I never wore pajamas, but I was always wearing workout shorts and a t-shirt for lacrosse.

Suz said...

The days I look the best come from believing I look good. Every once in a while, you just feel like you get it right in the morning, in front of the mirror. I have gone through days where I feel so "sexy" because my image of myself as I left my mirror was good. At some point in the day, I see myself in the mirror again and am horrified at how bad I look. The thing is, I thought I looked good and felt good about the way I looked all day, until I looked in the mirror again.

Erin said...

That happens to me a lot. Lately, I can't seem to think I look good, even with a lot of trying. Somehow the ponytail thing everyday doesn't help. Other girls look great in ponytails...Unless my hair already looks great (and who wants to ruin it by putting it in a ponytail), it just doesn't look right on me.

Erin said...

A girl at school told me my make-up looked really good today. Maybe I am making progress...

Colt said...

erin... there's more in life than being really really ridiculously good looking.

Jessica Sorensen said...

I came across your blog on someone elses so I hope you don't mind me snooping, but I was going to tell you that I think of you as one of those girls that always look nice. You always have fancy matching clothes. I really liked what you were wearing on friday at institute.

Erin said...

Thanks for your kind words, Jessica. I didn't know you were a blogger, you are welcome to snoop whenever!

Abraham said...

I don't think anyone wants to hear about days when Bob thinks he feels "so sexy."