Saturday, February 23, 2008

Exercise in the Snow (or out of it, rather)

It is still very cold in Iowa. We've had over a foot of crusty snow and ice blanketing everything and the roads are still pretty nasty, even after weeks. I heard we have had 53 in. in Iowa City, the 4th snowiest winter on record! Brr.

To keep in shape (or rather, attempt to get back in it) I've been playing lacrosse with the Iowa Women's Club team. It is quite a change from BYU lacrosse and can be frustrating at times (going from top 10 to #126 in the nation), esp when they ask me for drill ideas and don't listen. Anyway, it is a lot of fun if I can learn to play with goggles. This is a subject for other days...

I have also been riding my new lovely bike inside on the trainer that converts my bike to a stationary one. Even if it snows until June (which wouldn't surprise me) I can still be ready for RAGBRI (the annual ride across Iowa event) this July.

PS I don't really wear all of my gear inside, esp the helmet, but we wanted to try it all out.

1 comment:

Suz said...

I was, first and foremost! Even in the house.