I am one of the newest participants in a vaccine trial here at the University of Iowa. Yes, my soon to be six figure debt has somehow convinced me that using my body as a mechanism for monetary compensation is a great idea. To think, just seconds of an injection and "cha-ching!" 75 buck-a-roos!
I was a bit nervous about going through with it but the temptation was too much for me. A potential of $900! And all I have to do is get a shot and a few exams, take my temp for the next few days, etc. But I find I keep thinking I can just back out if I want, any time. All human subject experiments are optional, right? Well, the catch is, I already got the injection which will be the potential harm so no going back now.
But I am beginning to wonder about the cleverness of my easy money. Why would anyone think causing potential and long-lasting health problems would be a good idea? Then again, this is while my arm is sore and burning. HAHA. I am praying I'll come out alive, healthy, immune, and $900 richer.... I wonder if my headache is a side effect? Or am I making it up?
I guess only time will tell.
You can't ressist the 900 dollars...
It was nice knowing ya.
I guess if all else fails, Abe's dad can clone me and in another 20 years, he'll have another Erin.
Wow-- i thought when you suggested that to me the other day that you were joking, i guess i was wrong!
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