Saturday, July 25, 2015

Week 25 Update

25 weeks 2 days
For some reason my first thought is, what is the deal with my flat hair in this pregnancy? I know pregnancy can change your hair and in some ways my hair seems better than ever -- extra long and thick. I find I really haven't done my hair much the past 6 months -- is it the tiredness? The hand and arm pain and numbness (definitely makes it hard to do much as far as makeup, hair, or even getting dressed sometimes)? Maybe just laziness? Maybe that's why it is flat.

I feel excited for every week after 24 weeks. I am fully expecting and planning to have a normal, full term pregnancy. But I also know twins add some higher risks and are more likely to come early. So every additional day (and week!) of being pregnant makes me happy. Keep cooking in there little guys!  In the meantime I am putting my (swollen) feet up as much as possible and flossing as best I can (again, that hand numbness and pain makes this difficult. Thank you for those floss holders!) as poor gingival health has been associated with pre-term, low birth weight babies! (The dentist in me had to throw that in there.)

I started really feeling the babies, especially Baby Girl the past 4 or so days. Sometimes it is hard enough it makes me jolt. It is nice to have more evidence they are in there! I am wondering if my patients might start getting some baby kicks in the face as I get bigger and they keep moving!

Overall, I am feeling like things are going well. I'm still working full time. Yay! I'm eating healthier (so grateful for enough energy to occasionally grocery shop and do some minimal cooking), the nursery is even closer to being put together, our registry is coming together, and I am signed up for my breastfeeding and birthing classes. I feel like I am even looking and feeling pretty good for being third trimester big. I still wonder what it will be like to be fourth trimester big (I know that doesn't make mathematical sense but you get the point)?

Week 25:
Weight: 172.2
Total  Weight Gain: 30.2 lbs
baby kicks -- feeling them a lot more and a lot bigger the past 3-4 days. I feel baby girl the most. I think baby boy may be transverse, I only feel him just left of my midline
evening tiredness
arm/hand numbness -- more swelling (sausage fingers!) -- thank you hot summer weather
hand and foot swelling -- is it normal that they itch and are so uncomfortable as soon as I stand up and the swelling begins?
discomfort -- it's getting hard to move!
insomnia and nocturnal bathroom breaks!
mild acne flare up
no leg hair! I've gone weeks without shaving
TMJ popping and pain -- I guess all those joints are loosening up!
mild stretch marks popping up on my hips and booty (mostly on the right -- am I growing lopsided?). I still have a long way to go!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Week 24


Week 24 -- Viability!

We made it to the accepted time frame that pre-term babies can be born and survive, which seems like a big step! I pray they stay in there cooking for quite a bit longer (they are still so small, despite how big my belly is!). It is amazing being at this point, looking back on all of the waiting and waiting and waiting to even get a positive pregnancy test, next thinking 24 weeks would be so far away, and now realizing today is finally here.

The babies are doing great and I think I am doing great, too! I am starting to feel them much more, mostly at night, low down in my belly on both sides. I guess this makes sense since they are both breech so their little feet are kicking at my pelvis. I think I am glad they aren't kicking me in the ribs, yet.

We are getting more and more ready for babies. Our nursery is getting close with our furniture mostly put together, and waiting on our chair to be delivered next month (who knew they took so long to order!). We have a stroller (although I greedily want a jogger as well), I just bought a diaper bag, and started our registry online ( All of the baby gear is overwhelming -- it seems like you NEED everything and then maybe turns out, hardly anything afterall? Add in the twin factor (how many do I need?) and it is that much more confusing. First world problems, right?!? "I just can't figure out which fancy diaper pail is the very very best!" (Aren't we lucky to have diapers as it is, and now if I find the right garbage can I have the luxury of not taking out them out in the garbage for days!) And even the simple little things you know you need like diapers, bottles, or pacifiers seem to bring out very strong and differing opinions from everyone! Heaven help me in finding car seats! Ultimately, I know it just doesn't matter that much!

Week 24 -- Viability!

Week 24 day 0: Weight: 171.5 lbs (home); 172.8 lbs (office)
Total Weight Gain: 29.5 lbs
BP: 120/62
Cervix length: 4.6 cm (unchanged--yay!)
Baby A: FHR 130 bpm; 1 lb 7 oz (51 percentile); position: breech. And yes, Baby Girl has two feet (they were unable to "confirm" this on the last ultrasound -- I wasn't worried but now it is official!)
Baby B: FHR 160 bpm; 1 lb 9 oz (60 percentile); position: breech
The small size difference is within normal range, as long as they are within 20% of each other (currently a 6% difference). According to the US technician, baby boys often outpace their sisters so things are looking pretty normal.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Weeks 22-23 Update

Today -- 23 weeks 4 days!

I felt Baby Boy briefly at week 13.5 and 18. I started feeling a little impatient until I started feeling both babies at about 21.5. Lately, it is Baby Girl I seem to feel the most, down low and to the right of my abdomen. It is a strange sensation, mostly like gurgles and bubbles. Abe was able to feel a little something once but I look forward to those kicks that will make those babies seem even more real for both of us. I still find myself talking to them (is that weird?), asking, "Hey, are you guys in there?" or, "What are you doing in there?"

week 23+
I celebrated 22 weeks and my 32 birthday by going out to dinner with friends and a lunch potluck at work. It was my first birthday where I didn't open a single present, have anyone sing to me, or blow out candles (Don't worry, Abe and I did a little shopping the weekend before and I received a few present in the mail, later, so it wasn't like I was forgotten, really). Abe had to work so it was so great to have friends to spend that time with to make an otherwise lonely day fun. I was surprised by cupcakes from multiple friends and some at dinner from Abe for my friends and I, delivered by my MIL.
*I used to say I wanted to be done with having babies by age 30, but I guess 32 isn't such a bad time to start!*

Abe and I spent Independence Day weekend in Des Moines. We both had a three day weekend, a rare treat! We visited the much talked about Zombie Burger where I had to try the "Walking Ched" -- a mac'n cheese burger (fried macaroni and cheese buns topped with more macaroni) which sounded kind of disgusting (at least from a cardiac standpoint) but tasted amazing!
Abe's more boring but delicious burger

I can't resist Macaroni & Cheese -- even that bun is made of it!
We spent Thursday evening in the park listening to the Des Moines symphony followed by fireworks. Friday, we went to a movie, did a little shopping for our Anniversary, met up with some Iowa City friends now in Des Moines for dinner and went to the race track for a horse race and more fireworks. Saturday we went to the amazing Des Moines farmer's market, relaxed at the park, and had dinner at Fong's Pizza, a local favorite where they make pizza with a strange and delicious Asian twist (Crab Rangoon pizza, anyone?). Sunday we went to church and took it easy, met up with our friends again who provided us with dinner and me with a much needed pedicure. Thanks Meg!

Feeling puffy at our first horse race

23 weeks
Our Anniversary was the next week, as well as my 1 year anniversary at my practice. Abe had to work again so my in-laws took me to dinner. I think the servers were a little confused when they asked if we were celebrating anything special and they all said, "Yes, her anniversary." But what better way to celebrate 8 years than with 8 great people! We have never celebrated an Anniversary where at least one of us did not have a work obligation. So, unfortunately this was nothing new. Abe surprised me with flowers and balloons on our big day and we went to dinner at the Iowa Chop House yesterday when we were finally able to celebrate together.

As for this pregnancy thing, I am finding it harder and harder to move. Getting out of bed has become literal rolling. Even repositioning is difficult. Bending over to put on socks or shoes makes me pretty short of breath as I compress on my lungs to reach. My right arm has been a little more bothersome this week (I forgot to sleep with my brace one night and it seems I have been paying for it since) but my left arm is also getting a little numb and painful so I may need to get a second brace.

I did find omeprazole. Hallelujah! My reflux has been much more tolerable if not absent most days. I've started taking my unisom sleep aid again as the insomnia has been hitting hard and the nightly bathroom trips are quickly adding up again. I feel like I cruised on through the happy and pregnant stage to the "getting uncomfortable stage" quickly, but I'd say over all things are still going well!

My doctor wanted me to shoot for 35 pounds of weight gain. Looks like I am well on my way to overshooting that, unfortunately! I've tried to cut back and be a little more careful (and have noticed my appetite has slowed down quite a bit -- no room as the babies get bigger?) but it seems like I still have spurts where I gain multiple pounds overnight. My hands and feet are becoming much more swollen and the heat makes a big difference. I am understanding the phrase "barefoot and pregnant" as most of my shoes don't fit anymore. At least sandals are appropriate summer wear as I can't seem to fit in much else.

                        It's hard to find shoes to wear with fancier clothes! (week 21+)

Week 22 day 0: Weight: 170.5 lbs -- the day after my birthday! I must have eaten a lot of salt in all the goodies I ate because I gained like 4 pounds overnight! (I did lose about 1.5 over the next day or two)
Total Weight Gain: 28.5 lbs
Week 23 day 0:
Weight: 171.0 lbs
Total Weight Gain: 29 lbs
Week 23 day 4:
Weight: 171.5
Total  Weight Gain: 29.5 lbs
evening tiredness
arm/hand numbness -- worse this week
hand and foot swelling -- thank you compression stockings!
discomfort -- it's getting hard to move!
mild acne flare up
no leg hair! I've gone weeks without shaving
feeling movement
left TMJ popping -- I guess all those joints are loosening up!