Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tuesday Tuesday

Today is my last day of vacation. I really haven’t done much but it has been nice to have some time off.

Today I finally decided to get myself in gear and clean up a bit. I had grandiose intentions of cleaning, organizing, painting, basically transforming my house while I was home. I did do a little bit of painting and a minimum of cleaning. And ick, found ants in our kitchen. GREAT!

I did get back on my bike for the first time all year. Wow. I forgot how much fun biking is. I need to remember this more often, like every day. I logged about 1000 miles on my bike the first few years but have significantly slowed down from there.

I am also getting a facial today. Never had one, but I’m excited to try. And a much needed eyebrow wax. I get very nervous with the eyebrow waxing. I’ve had a lot of botched jobs so I’m going to make her really sell her plan to me before I let her touch me. I used to have beautiful eyebrows and I was very happy with them and got compliments on all the time (well all the time considering we’re talking about eyebrows). One bad esthetician and I’ve been trying to recover for years.

AND… starting tomorrow, I have only one more month left of my first year of residency. I will also be starting my general surgery rotation on July 1. Three more years to go.

Monday, May 23, 2011


Some random thoughts I’ve been having:

Life in general: 

I think the grass is def greener on the other side, at least at times. I often feel like I have a pretty boring life:

I guess in its daily tasks, it is anything but boring (this past weekend I basically sewed a nose back onto a face, helped with a 10 hour case putting a man’s face back together, met multiple facial fracture patients involved in assualts, motorcycle and car accidents, and ATV accidents, an inmate who found excuses to come to the ER twice in two days, etc). But on a weekly basis, it feels like I go to work, make dinner, sleep, go to work, make dinner, sleep, go to work, make dinner, and sleep again. Or hope to sleep. And hope to have the motivation and energy to make dinner.

Sometimes I envy the free time my friends who don’t work have. The openness of their day to wake up when they want, run errands in the middle of the day in the middle of the week, meet up with friends, or go on vacation. Spontaneity!

Nail polish:

I’ve really been liking nail polish lately. And on my FINGERnails. I used to be a toe girl only (but lately I can’t seem to keep it on—it rubs off whenever I wear my work shoes) but fingernail polish can be pretty fun. I have friends who have said that nails can only be “any shade of pink.” Oops, missed that one! I usually have the opposite sentiment. Right now I am loving this mint green. I got a ton of compliments when I wore it last week (except for one woman who said “ew!”). I only have one rule about FINGERNAIL polish: take it off within a day of it chipping. I think if you are going to dare the fingers you have to keep it up.


I’ve also been loving my hair feathers and extensions. So fun! These look a lot like mine. Wish I had more like her! Probably a little too much for my boring (professional) life. I have an image to uphold (which is really too bad sometimes).

Go to fullsize image


I’ve actually made some really good progress on a few of my goals. Great news for me, I feel like I’ve been stuck in a rut my whole life when it comes to goal achieving (the setting part is easy, it’s the follow through that is hard). I am happy to report I have wore makeup (at least mascara) almost every single day since my blog post about a month ago. That is big for me! I only skipped twice, when I was on-call without access to make up and after a full day of yard work. My house has been cleaner. Not great, but I’ve been so much better! I’m only half embarassed if people dry by unexpected. And I’ve been studying more so I can be an awesome oral surgeon one day. Three goals I’ve had for a long time!

That’s all for now. Bored yet?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I may need an intervention

Alcoholism has been shown to have a genetic component in some people. Families seem  able to pass down this tendency to each other. If you never take a drink, you may never know if you are an alcoholic inside.

Do you think being a workaholic works the same way? That some people, once they get a good long taste of work, can’t live a normal life without a little work each day? They just don’t feel like themselves without it?

If so, I may be at risk. Growing up, my dad always had some project to do on Saturdays. We would look forward to a good day off. He looked forward to a good day with the chainsaw. And us kids picking up the wooden destruction behind him.

Lately it doesn’t feel like I get many days off any more. It is more common to work on the weekend than to have a weekend off. It seems when I do have a day to myself, though, if I don’t have chores lined up, I don’t know what to do with myself. Sometimes I almost feel like maybe it would be better to be at work so I’m not bored. Crazy, I know. (I am by no means asking for more weekends oncall, if any of my chiefs happen to stalk my blog.)

I have a week of vacation coming up in a few days. I am really looking forward to some time off (catch up on sleep!). But I also have no idea how I will spend my time. Nowhere to go; not a whole lot I want to do around the house (or maybe not the stamina for it); and Abe has to work on Saturday so probably not even a weekend trip. I spent my last vacation day doing yardwork in the rain. I think I need help.

Any ideas before I become a full blown workaholic?

Friday, May 20, 2011



At work, chillin'. Had a terriyaki chicken bowl and a soy milk (asian theme?) from the caf. Glamorous, I know. Just part of the life of an Oral Maxillofacial Surgery Resident. Checked on a few patients this evening...a big face "crunch" and a big infection and saw a jaw fracture in the ER. Pretty standard categories of patients for us.

Now I've been practicing my knot tying. Two handed tie...check. One handed tie...not so much. Talking to the janitorial staff about his teeth. Catching up on the book, FB. I should be catching up on a book. Studying can be so hard, even when I'm killing time at work.

With that said...in a way, it is TGIF. Fridays are one of my favorite days on call (after maybe Wednesday or Monday). The advantage? Unlike Sat or Sun, I've finished half of my shift with my normal work day. And also unlike Sunday, I know I get to go home the next day and sleep or do whatever I want.

Unlike Sunday. Sleeping here and going right into the next week is no fun. Makes for a sleepy week. And an emotionally taxing week.

So...TGIF (until this Sunday when I am on-call again).

Cheers! Try not to break your face this weekend. Please. At least not if you live in Iowa (or W. Illinois).

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fat Free

I’ve been trying to cut back a little. It can be hard with all of the treats Abe makes but I’m not going to try to stop him, either! I found this in the fridge the other day:


Is that what dessert really looks like when you are on a diet?

It made me laugh. And think a little bit.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Burn baby burn

So did you forget completely about our plan for a new fireplace? Or have you been just dying to know what we chose for our tile?

Either way, here’s an update: It’s finally done.

Here is where we started:


A very basic wood burning fireplace that needed a lot of extra TLC to even be functional. (Sorry about the picture…this was Christmas and I didn’t know it looked this tacky! I guess maybe it will make it like those pre and post weight loss photos…you know the ones, with the no-make up sweats compared to the designer gown and professional makeover. This is the chubby sweats picture I suppose.)

Then we ended up here:


Followed finally (after a few months) with this, a new gas fireplace that we can enjoy with the flip of a switch (which is the one advantage to a cold spring, we’ve been able to use it a lot!):


Despite all of your much appreciated feedback, we decided to go with the blue pearl granite. Almost everyone who saw it in person chose this one and it was my initial favorite to begin with. I think it compliments the room as well as the white trim nicely. I wish you could see what it really looks like but the photo just doesn’t do it justice. Guess you’ll just have to come by for a peek in person!



I think it is a huge improvement! It was scary to design it myself, having to choose all of the details without knowing how it would turn out. I wanted it to match the style of the home while adding some additional wow factor. I am pleased with the results.


Now I need inspiration of what to put on the mantle. Any ideas? I can’t seem to get it right.


Friday, May 6, 2011

What is a pergola?

Remember this?
So back to the story of THE PERGOLA. If you are just getting caught up or have a poor memory (how could you forget such an important part of my personal architecture?), THE PERGOLA is that thing you have asked yourself, “What IS that?” as you either drive by my house or look at pictures. I know you are asking this because it is not only a question I have asked myself many times (even after knowing what it is, honestly), but it is the most common thing I hear when people see our house. So yes, I understand.
I am trying to combat this question. Rather, I am hoping to transfer the associated sentence to, “Oh! A pergola. How nice/cute/cozy/insert other preferred positive adjective.”
It has been a slow process, beginning with the painting incident. I tried last year hanging some pretty baskets (and hope to continue this year). I planted some clematis (flowering vines) last fall, about 3/4 survived the winter.
I hope this baby will one day look more like this, all the while climbing over THE PERGOLA:

And finally, after months of looking, I found some acceptable side patio/sit under the so awesome THE PERGOLA furniture. They arrived in the mail yesterday and I had it put together and warming up THE PERGOLA space within a day.
I am hoping my small steps are aiding in the transformation. I plan to paint or stain the chairs still. Although I like the natural color, I do not like the grey weathered look they will progress to. I’m considering painting them orange to match the doors. What do you think? I also really like the idea of an outdoor rug. Something kind of like these:
Martha Stewart Livingâ„¢ Crosslink All-Weather Area Rug
Martha Stewart Livingâ„¢ Mallorca All-Weather Area Rug
Martha Stewart Livingâ„¢ Swirling Garden All-Weather Area Rug
Persimmon Area Rug

Martha Stewart Livingâ„¢ Fretwork All-Weather Area Rug
They can be somewhat pricey so I want to be sure it is a good way to go. Can I pull it off? And finally, I would like to add some planters with some greenery. In essence, I am looking to make an outdoor room. An outdoor WOW THE PERGOLA room.
Can it be done? Or will it always be weird?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Chit Chat

Abe read me part of a book once, the idea that there are two kinds of people, "babbling brooks," and "dead seas." The Dead Sea personality type "receives many experiences, emotions, and thoughts throughout the day. They have a large reservoir where they store that information and are perfectly happy not to talk. On the other extreme, is the 'babbling brook.' For this personality, whatever enters into the eye gate or the ear gate comes out the mouth gate and there are seldom sixty seconds between the two. Whatever they see, whatever they hear, they tell. In fact, if no one is at home to talk to, they will call someone else." (I am so guilty of this! Walking home from work is the worst time for this...I need someone to dump all of the contents of my day upon. And if I don't get to, I can get pretty frustrated.)

It didn't take much time for us to realize that I am a babbling brook and he is a dead sea. (The book also states, "Many times a dead sea marries a babbling brook. That happens because when they are dating, it is a very attractive match." So I guess we are normal).

I can't help myself. I am a talker. I find myself talking about any and every old thing. Abraham made me more cognizant of this after we were first married as he would drop everything, smile at me, and give me his full attention (usually while he was in the middle of something important like studying, cooking, etc). Suddenly, my thoughts on hand sanitizer, every conversation I had that day, or what I think about filafel seemed kind of silly.

Sometimes my talking gets me into trouble. Perhaps a dangerous combo is not only am I a big talker, but I'm quite open. Have you ever told someone a secret because you just knew they were on your side? Even if it doesn't make sense for them to want to keep your secret. Yup. That's me.

Other times it can be embarassing. I often leave parties, church, or other social events thinking, "Oh no, I talked way too much." Or, "I shouldn't have said that!" Or, "I think we talked about ME the entire time!" To add to the constant stream coming from my mouth, I also have to speak dramatically with what most of my friends call "voices." I quite often get people asking me to repeat something I said to hear how dramatic and dumb I sounded the first time. I can't help that either. The voices just turn on automatically. Everyone in my family does it. How can I fight inheritance?

If I've ever talked your ear off, said one too many comments in church, or spoke too freely with you, sorry! I'm working on it. (Although I just failed with this post, I think, which seems to be going on and on and on and on.)

Anyway, I wish I had some way to put this trait (talent/bad habit/character flaw) to good use. I've secretly wanted to be a radio talk show host. Or stand up comic. I could also probably settle with teacher, story teller, writer. Anything to get paid to spew my oh-so-wonderful opinions. At least then my sometimes annoying habit would be productive in some way.

Is anyone else a babbling brook and feel my pain?

(PS-- Doesn't it seem ironic I can't seem to come up with anything worthwhile to blog about.)