Finally, what I have been saying all along…
When people tell me something is "like pulling teeth," I can't help but smile. What a good reminder that I can do hard things, in life and in mouths!
Finally, what I have been saying all along…
And I wonder if my house is haunted. I keep hearing funny noises but I am pretty sure I am the only one home…old houses just make noises, right?
Things are coming along (slowly) on the house. I wish I had a few more full days to get things settled but tomorrow I have orientation. I guess I will have to squeeze in a few more things here and there.
Yesterday we had our new washer and dryer delivered. We were very worried they wouldn’t fit down our scary, steep, narrow, treacherous basement stairs. They did! However, we didn’t know that we had a gas dryer hookup instead of an electrical. Oops.
…good thing we had the electrician come today for an estimate. We have a few small things to be addressed anyway so hopefully we can get that changed soon.
We also had our piano tuned. We bought a piano from a friend who was moving. It was difficult to move but I have loved having it already. It has a great sound and is so fun to play.
The kitchen and living room are almost completely unpacked. I will need to get some pictures soon. I still have a ways to go, especially on clothes. I haven’t figured out the best way to address our minimal closet space.
I also painted our front door. I have been toying with the idea of an orange door. People seem to turn their nose up at the idea but I decided to go for it. I only have one coat so far but I am pleased with the result. It is definitely an improvement from the pink that was the original. I want to post pictures but need to white out my address first. Any way to do that without photoshop?
Last night was our yearly resident’s banquet. As the intern, I was honored for completing my year of service. I felt a little silly being an “honoree” as I still have 4 more years to go, but it was nice to be thanked for the hardwork I did this year. I am excited to think of the next year when I will be officially a resident!
It was nice to have Colton there to support me. I think he appreciated the free food including the prime rib.
I really couldn’t do it without Abraham. He does so much physically and emotionally to help me through. I am so lucky to have such a helpful and supportive husband who isn’t threatened by all of the time I spend at the hospital.
These are some of the assistants from the VA hospital. They are such a fun, friendly, and supportive crew! I got to work with them quite a bit this past year as the intern. I will miss seeing them every week.
These are two of my dental school classmates who are completing their general dentistry residencies. I will really miss them! I don’t know what I will do without Kyra to do all of my girl talking with and Joe always makes me laugh. I wish them luck in the real world of dentistry. I wish they were staying!
I was presented with a few tokens of appreciation, a UIHC medallion and a University of Iowa clock.
I was also required to give a short speech. Abe recorded it but I can’t get it to load. I think it was well received although I was more nervous than usual speaking in front of my work peers and bosses!
It is hard to believe this is my last week as THE INTERN. Only two more days on-call, we close on our house on Friday, and I get a week off. Hooray!
We close on our house in just 10 days. I am getting very excited. I am also making a mental list of projects I would like to tackle, some realistic, others maybe in the future or my dreams.
Near future:
-new windows (included in our allowance at closing)
-painting the shutters/door/base
-new pedestal sink in kitchen
-installation of water heater, new washer/dryer
-landscaping—I would really like some evergreen bushes. Currently the landscaping is all deciduous and during the 6 drab months of winter, there is NO color outside. Some bushes could really help.
-paint the pergola on the side of the house, dress up with possibly climbing flowering vines, hanging baskets, patio furniture
Hopefully in the somewhat near future:
-somehow dress up the unfinished basement to make it more homey (ideas?)
-choose colors and paint interior rooms
-alter my curtains to work in the new house (possible?)
-replace or upgrade stone steps in front and on side of house
Dream on (or not?)
-kitchen island, perhaps with new oven (the current one is a little small for my baker husband), and granite countertops
-extend our porch along the front of the house
-finish the attic (master bedroom/bath? upstairs balcony?)
Does anyone know about renovations? What is the best bang for your buck, especially in something like an attic renovation? Any ideas on costs, feasibility, money saving tips? Also I still could use some tips on shutter/door colors, landscaping ideas, etc, if you have any.
June is here! Can’t hardly believe it!
Last week my brother moved to Iowa City to work in my father-in-law’s lab. It is fun to have some Jackson influence here in Iowa and to see my dad who dropped him off last week.
Next week is our oral surgery graduation banquet. As the intern, I am “graduating” and have to give a speech/talk. No idea what to say yet…
In two weeks, I am finished officially with my internship and close on our house. I am so excited. I am trying to choose some colors for the outside. I can’t seem to make a decision. The house is cream. Any ideas for shutter/door colors? I want to post pictures of the house but am a little paranoid about all of my stalkers recognizing it. Again, a reason to go private I suppose…
I also found out my grandpa has leukemia and doesn’t have very long left, maybe just a few weeks. I am sad I didn’t take the opportunity to see him when I was home in April.
Call has been extra busy lately. I think it is going to be a long summer with long nights at the hospital!
And lastly, I realize I really don’t have much to say of interest. Sorry it took me so long to figure that out! :)